Install Agones using YAML

We can install Agones to the cluster using an install.yaml file.

Installing Agones

kubectl create namespace agones-system
kubectl apply -f

If you want to change the parameters in the install.yaml file, you can use helm directly to generate a custom file locally, but make sure new parameters correspond to the following ones.

Example of setting featureGates and generateTLS helm parameters in install.yaml:

helm pull --untar && \
cd agones && \
helm template agones-manual --namespace agones-system  . \
  --set agones.controller.generateTLS=false \
  --set agones.allocator.generateTLS=false \
  --set agones.crds.cleanupOnDelete=false \
  --set agones.featureGates="PlayerTracking=true" \
  > install-custom.yaml

Note: pull command was introduced in Helm version 3.

You can also find the install.yaml in the latest agones-install zip from the releases archive.

Uninstalling Agones

To uninstall/delete the Agones deployment and delete agones-system namespace:

$ kubectl delete fleets --all --all-namespaces
$ kubectl delete gameservers --all --all-namespaces
$ kubectl delete -f
$ kubectl delete namespace agones-system

Note: you should wait up to a couple of minutes until all resources described in install.yaml file would be deleted.

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